
Calculate better

PyCalc Help

Function List

Common Functions

Usage Description
abs(x) absolute value of x
acos(x) trigonometric arccosine of x → angle
asin(x) trigonometric arcsine of x → angle
atan(x) trigonometric arctangent of x → angle
bin(x) convert integer x to a binary string
binomial(n,k) binomial coffecient n choose k
cbrt(x) cube root of x
ceil(x) ceiling function of x
comb(n,k) binomial coefficient n choose k
cos(x) trigonometric cosine of x
cot(x) trigonometric cotangent of x
csc(x) trigonometric cosecant of x
degrees(x) converts x radians to degrees
erf(x) error function of x
exp(x) e ** x
fac(x) factorial of x
floor(x) floor of x
gcd(list) greatest common divisor of the integers in the list
hex(x) convert integer x to a hex string
hypot(x,y) hypotenuse length of triangle with legs x & y
lcd(list) least common divisor of the integers in the list
ln(x) log base e of x
log(x,b) log base b of x. Default to base e if b is omitted
log10(x) log base 10 of x
max(a, b, c, ...) return the maximum of the values
min(a, b, c, ...) return the minimum of the values
power(x,y) x ** y
radians(x) converts x degrees to radians
root(x,n) nth root of x
round(x,n) round the value x to n digits
sec(x) trigonometric secant of x
sin(x) trigonometric sine of x
sqrt(x) square root of x
str(x) convert x to a Python string
sum(list) find the sum of the elements in the list
tan(x) trigonometric tangent of x

More functions are available (see below) — the above list just represents the most commonly used.

For financial functions, see this page


PyCalc imports functions from the mpmath package and the math package. For a more complete list of functions, refer to the documentation for those packages. PyCalc modifies the trigonometric functions to support either radians or degrees mode, but otherwise relies on the standard mpmath functions.

These functions are only available if the file includes the line: from pycalcfun import *, which is present by default.

There are many more functions available in Python that you can access by importing the appropriate package. Refer to the Python documentation for more information.