
Calculate better

PyCalc Legal

PyCalc is and app developed by Youreka Tech, LLC and licensed to users under the Apple Developer License, available on the Apple App Store.

PyCalc and the Python language are two separate things. The Python language is available for use on all kinds of devices in many environments. PyCalc incorporates the Python language and wraps a user interface around it which is optimized for use as a calculator on mobile devices.

"Python" and the Python Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Python Software Foundation, used by the PyCalc project with permission from the Foundation.

The Python language, the software that it incorporates, and 3rd party modules all have their own licenses. You can view these licenses in the PyCalc app under Settings+HelpLegal Statements.


We expect PyCalc to provide useful and accurate results in most circumstances. However, we cannot guarantee that the results are always correct. For any critical applications, we encourage users to double check their results with a professional or an independent source.