
Calculate better

PyCalc Help

The Keyboard

PyCalc provides several keyboards — each best suited for a different purpose:

Big+Easy Keyboard Primo Keyboard Combo Keyboard

Each keyboard has alternate views for accessing a larger number of keys.

(NOTE: The keyboards may look and behavior differently on a Mac using the built-in keyboard, or if an external keyboard is connected to your iOS device.)

Big+Easy Keyboard
Main Keyboard Alt Keyboard
Main Alt

Primo Keyboard
Main Primo Keyboard
Alt Primo Keyboard
Lower Alpha Primo Keyboard
Upper Alpha Primo Keyboard
Lower Alpha
Upper Alpha

Combo Keyboard
Main Keyboard Alt Keyboard
Main Alt

The keyboard button is at the top of the display:

Keyboard Button

Long-pressing the Settings+Help button will toggle between a right-handed layout and a left-handed layout.

These settings are also available within the Settings menu.


One of the reasons that working in PyCalc is efficient is that you can type a complex calculation and edit it until you get the result you're looking for.

As you'd expect, you can click directly within the entry box to reposition your cursor. However, it's often faster to use the built-in trackpad mode. Simply long-press any of the colored keys on the keyboard and then slide your finger. The cursor in the entry box will follow your finger movements around and you can drop the cursor wherever you like.
